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Savannah Cats
Savvy Paws Pet Expo Gallery & Cat Show Brags
Savvy Paws frequently travels with our Savannah Cats to TICA (The International Cat Association) and CCA (Canadian Cat Association) cat shows, along with various pet expos around Ontario and Quebec in Canada! Please Follow Us on Facebook for the most up to date event announcements and come meet our Savannah Cats in person! While we can only compete our SBT Savannahs at the shows, we do frequently bring Savannahs of various generations and colours to interact with the crowds.
Or, if you can't make it out to a show, or have regretfully missed meeting us at one of our last shows, please enjoy the photos below of our Savannahs charming everyone they meet with their confidence and charisma!
Toronto Christmas Pet Show 2015

Photoshoot with Trish Beesley Photography. www.tbphotographystudio.com

Photoshoot with Trish Beesley Photography. www.tbphotographystudio.com

Photoshoot with Trish Beesley Photography. www.tbphotographystudio.com

Photoshoot with Trish Beesley Photography. www.tbphotographystudio.com

Photoshoot with Trish Beesley Photography. www.tbphotographystudio.com

Photoshoot with Trish Beesley Photography. www.tbphotographystudio.com

Kitten Playpen at the Toronto Christmas Pet Show!

Drax, one of the kittens enjoying our kitten playpen.

IW RW BW SGCA SavvyPaws King Drax Brimaz
Breeder / Owner of “IW RW BW SGCA SavvyPaws King Drax Brimaz”.
(International, Regional, & Breed Winner, Supreme Grand Champion Alter).
CCA-AFC International Champion (2017)
& Grand Premier (2018).
TICA 2018 Best Altered Savannah NE Region
& 3rd Best Worldwide.
TICA 2018 3rd Best Brown Spotted Tabby NE Region.
TICA 2019 Best Altered Savannah NE Region
& Best Worldwide.
TICA 2019 14th Best All-Breed Alter Worldwide.
TICA 2020 25th Best All-Breed Alter NE Region.
Parents: Kirembo Kibibi of Savvy Paws (F5 SBT Queen) and ExoticTails Lucky Charm (F6 C Stud).
IW DGC SavvyPaws Nyota
Breeder / Co-Owner of
“IW DGC SavvyPaws Nyota”
(International Winner/Double Grand Champion).
CCA-AFC 2015/2016 Best Savannah Cat in Canada.
TICA 2015/2016 8th Best Savannah Cat Worldwide.
Awarded TICA Champion, Grand Champion, and Double Grand Champion titles within two shows!
Parents: Kirembo Kibibi of Savvy Paws (F5 SBT Queen) and ExoticTails Lucky Charm (F6 C Stud).

TGC MotownCats Thalia of SavvyPaws
Owner of “TGC MotownCats Thalia of SavvyPaws”
(Triple Grand Champion awarded by TICA in 2020).
CCA-AFC 2018/2019 Best Savannah Cat in Canada.
TICA 2019 3rd Best Savannah Cat in NE Region.
& 3rd Best Brown Spotted Tabby in NE Region.
Parents: CH Kirembo Josephine (Champion F5 SBT Queen)
and Zafarii Ludwig of MotownCats (F7 SBT Stud).
Various Savvy Paws Show Brags...
Owner / Co-Breeder of “IW CH ExoticTails Drogon of SavvyPaws”
(International Winner / Champion).
CCA-AFC 2014-2015 Best Savannah Cat.
TICA 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 Best Black Savannah Worldwide.
Breeder / Previous Owner of “CH SavvyPaws Jibril” (now retired).
Previous Owner of “CH RockyMtExotics Bontu of SavvyPaws”
Previous Owner of “GCH Lynxcreek Arzaelin of SavvyPaws”
Breeder of Champion Savannahs Worldwide!
“GCH SavvyPaws Chuma of Danuwa” in Germany.
“CH SavvyPaws Linde of ExotikCatz” in Quebec, Canada.
“CH SavvyPaws All That Swag of BayArea” in California, U.S.A.
“CH SavvyPaws Star Lord of Fusionkatz” in Ohio, U.S.A.
“CH SavvyPaws Athos of Boutiquexoticats” in Colorado, U.S.A.
“CH SavvyPaws Kyro” in Ontario, Canada.